Enforced Puppy Naps

  • Started by Kieran Gorman

    on 28th Dec 2023, 6:36 pm

    Joined 28th Dec 2023

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    Hi all.

    We have a 9 week old golden girl.

    We are currently having to practice enforced naps due to nipping and being a whirlwind.

    Outwith the create she will sleep for 10 minutes then she is up bouncing around nipping everyone and being a nuisance to the humans and the older dog. Our other dog was definitely not like this at her age.

    We are working on the nipping regularly, her teeth are like little razors and my arms, ears and legs are all cut. It seems to be me that gets it the most.

    After an enforced nap, she is pleasant to be around and is happy to do some training, play with her toys and have a run round the garden exploring.

    We are currently using about 3 enforced naps per day mid morning, mid afternoon and early evening. We pop her in her crate in the bedroom. These naps can last around 2 to 3 hours before she let's us know she is ready to come out.

    I must say her create is like a littel den, loads of blankets, her kong chew, blankets draped over and a ticking clock. Infact i would be happy to sleep their.

    She will then go to bed at night around 9:30/10pm. She will sleep till about 3am and then want out for a wee and is more than happy to settle back down.

    I guess the question I am asking is.... is this OK? Sometimes she is back in her create for a nap only being out for an hour and a half othertimes a bit longer it all depends on her mood.

    I know I am probably feeling bad as she is in another room away from us, but infact she is getting the sleep her little growing body needs. She is still getting all her meals, playtime, training and of course lots of love when out and about

    Any advise will be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks Kieran.

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  • Emily Lawton-Bradshaw

    on 4th Jan 2024, 6:01 pm

    Joined 13th Nov 2023

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    Hi Kieran

    I also like crates it keeps dogs safe and gives them a secure and quiet space when they need a rest. We have just bred a litter of lab pups now 10 weeks old and yes they do try and get their teeth into everything including us! 

    We use a firm voice and say ‘off’ if they get our hand or limb and are careful to remove our hand from them and get them off us they are learning that is unacceptable as we want them to have nice manners and not nip. 

    It’s really important to establish yourself as the ‘Alpha’ in the pack with a firm and consistent approach your pup must learn nipping you it not acceptable.

    It sounds like she has a feisty playful personality!


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